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Forex And Treasury Management

Effective foreign exchange management requires you to preserve purchasing power by staying current on any events affecting rates and operating accordingly. Treasury Management can be understood as the planning, organizing and controlling holding, funds and working capital of the enterprise in order to make the best possible use of the funds, maintain firm’s liquidity, reduce the overall cost of funds, and mitigate operational and financial risk.

How Lima can help you

FOREX STRATEGIC ADVISORY – FX Risk management advisory, Currency future Broking, Liability Management, Asset Liability Management.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE FINANCE – Buyers Credit, Suppliers Credit, Finance at LIBOR + rate, Letter of Credit Reimbursement Structure, Foreign currency financing against SBLC/Bank Guarantee.

TREASURY MANAGEMENT – Treasury management for small and medium enterprises with the help of tailor made software and control technique.

Lima strength and experience

The two senior members of the Lima is a certified Forex and Treasury Management diploma holders from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

The team work as forex risk consultant for different type of industries. The team set up number of treasury operation management and SOP for treasury set up.

During the tenure of its functioning, Lima assisted in obtaining more than 3000 working capital finance and more than 200 foreign trade fiancé. It also helped to acquiring project loans for different busines.

Lima Approach

Lima gives a comprehensive approach on Forex and Treasury Management (FXTM) consulting. Starting from fixing the financial leverage ending with analyzing the gain or loss of foreign exchange transactions.

Treasury management systems involve the creation and governance of various procedures and policies designed to help companies better manage their cash flow and all the aspects that go with it, such as payables, receivables, interest rates, and foreign exchange rates.  Treasury management systems have changed dramatically in recent years. While the primary goals of TMS are to improve efficiency, save time, and increase productivity, there are other benefits to consider.  Biggest benefits of treasury management service are time efficiency.

Special Features

Lima will maintain the cordial relationship with the banks and involve in working capital and money management. Lima will ensure that the business has the liquid funds it needs and invest surplus funds. Lima will have through knowledge of funding requirements of the organization, sources of finance available and the cost of those sources and the risk attached to it. Arranging working capital finance as and when required is the special feature.